quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2020

Medo das atualizações de software DSCN3247

Inovações e atualizações excludentes, dificuldades e
internet, mudanças constantes, insegurança na WEB, pessoas idosas, pessoas com
deficiência, utilização de PCs, dúvidas e ações complexas

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2018

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2018

8 mitos sobre a Síndrome de Down

Publicado em 21 de mar de 2018
No Dia Internacional da Síndrome de Down, convidamos nossa pediatria dra. Ana Cláudia Brandão para comentar 8 mitos sobre pessoas com Síndrome de Down. Confira o vídeo!

Saiba mais:

Clínica de Especialidades Pediátricas do Einstein: https://goo.gl/mszWQc

Einstein recruta voluntários com Síndrome de Down para pesquisa com memantina: https://goo.gl/PKwVTQ
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Meu filho tem Síndrome de Down e agora? @2Twins_Mommy #41

Publicado em 21 de mar de 2018

Dia 21 de Março é o dia Internacional da pessoa com síndrome de down!

Pensando nisso, resolvi fazer um formato de vídeo diferente ....
...um vídeo que eu busquei bastante quando descobri que a nossa Mel poderia ter a síndrome de down.

A entrevista foi feita com as donas e profissionais da clínica aonde fomos acolhidos e que a nossa Mel vai desde os 2 meses de idade.

Espero que esse vídeo ajude muitos papais que estão passando pelo momento da descoberta e que precisam saber quais serão as primeiras etapas a seguir ...

Uma coisa é certa... o AMOR que vocês irão vivenciar é algo sublime, inexplicável! Só com o tempo vocês irão entender isso.
Depois voltem aqui para me contar!!

Não deixem de CURTIR, COMENTAR e COMPARTILHAR esse vídeo!

Grande beijo
Adriana, Cláudio, Mel e Helena.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clínica CDE
Rua Antonio Camardo, 70 - Tatuapé - São Paulo - SP
Tel: 11 2295-5799 | 11 2091-6864
clinicacde@uol.com.br / www.clinicacdesp.com

Adriana Gebin – Fonoaudióloga especialista em Síndrome de Down
Ana Paula Somma – Fisioterapeuta
Erika Gonzaga - Terapeuta Ocupacional


Publicado em 21 de mar de 2018
21 de março é o Dia Internacional da Síndrome de Down. Como forma de homenagear essas pessoas tão especiais e únicas, trouxemos o paranista Danilo até a Vila Capanema para conhecer nosso time e bater um papo com seus ídolos, afinal, o amor não conta cromossomos.
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Dia da Síndrome de Down 21/03/18

Publicado em 21 de mar de 2018
Reportagem: Tv Univates
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terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017

Disabled World Weekly Newsletter

isabled World Weekly Newsletter


Disabled World admin@disabled-world.com por  aweber.com 

09:05 (Há 1 hora)
para mim
Disabled World Weekly Newsletter

Latest Published News and Information:
Famous People with Mood Disorders
List of famous people with mood disorders including depression, biopolar disorder, and cyclothymia mania

Famous People with Tourettes Syndrome
List of well known people both past and present who have or had Tourettes syndrome

Famous People with Spina Bifida
List of well known and famous people both past and present who were born with Spina Bifida

Famous People with Cerebral Palsy
A list of well known and famous persons both living and deceased who have or had Cerebral Palsy

Famous People Who Have or Had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
List of famous and well known people who had or have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Famous People Who Have or Had Dementia
A list of famous and/or well known people who currently have or had dementia, a progressive decline in cognitive function

Famous Well Known People with Hearing Impairments and Deafness
List of famous and well known people who are or were deaf and have or had hearing impairments

Famous People Who Have or Had ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease
A list of famous and well known people with or had ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease one of the most common neuromuscular diseases worldwide

Famous People Who Have or Had Club Feet or Foot
A list of well known and famous people who have or had either a club foot or feet

Famous People Who Had or Have Schizophrenia
This article provides a list of well known and famous people who have and had Schizophrenia

Famous People Who Have or Had Speech Differences or Stutter
A list of well known and famous people who have and/or had speech differences including stuttering

Famous People Who Had and Have Polio
Explanation of the disease Polio and resource list of famous people living and deceased who had polio in their lives

Famous People Who Have or Had Parkinson's Disease
List of well known and famous people who have or did have Parkinson's disease

Famous People That Use or Used Wheelchairs in the Past
A list of well known and famous people who use or used wheelchairs since birth and later in life due to disabilities

Famous Blind and Vision Impaired Persons
A list of famous and well known sight impaired people who are or were blind or blind in one eye

Famous People Who Have or Had Multiple Sclerosis
List of famous and well known people both living and deceased who have and had multiple sclerosis (MS)

Famous People WHo Have and Had Asthma
List of well known and famous persons both living and deceased who have and had Asthma in their lives

Famous People Who Have or Had Asperger's Syndrome
A list of famous people who either have or had Aspergers Syndrome during their life

List of Famous Amputees
List of well known and famous people who currently are or were amputees

Famous People With a Cleft
List of well known people with a cleft a congenital deformity caused by a failure in facial development during pregnancy

Famous People Who Have or Had Menieres Disease
A list of well known and people who are famous who have or had Menieres Disease

Famous People Who Have or Had Psoriasis
List of well known and famous people who had or currently have psoriasis in their life

List of Famous People Who Died Young
List of well known and famous people who died before their time in accidents, from health conditions, and other causes

What Can Twitter Reveal About People with ADHD
Research shows Twitter can reveal quite a bit about what life is like for someone with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

FDA Warns About Illegal Use of Injectable Silicone for Body Contouring and Associated Health Risks
United States FDA issues safety communication about illegal use of injectable silicone for body contouring and associated health risks

People Who Experience Dry Eye Soon to Have Drug-Free Solution
A new device that stimulates nerves in the nose offers the first natural solution to dry eye, a common eye condition

2016 FBI Hate Crime Statistics
FBI Hate Crime Statistics, 2016 - U.S. Bias-motivated incidents submitted by law enforcement agencies regarding offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes

Famous People Who Have or Had Epilepsy
A list of famous and well known people have or had epilepsy during their lives

CSD Learns Awarded $75,000 Grant from Wells Fargo
Communications Services for the Deaf Learns awarded $75,000 grant from Wells Fargo for a pilot American Sign Language Financial Education Series

Nonprofit Disability Solutions Connects Jobseekers with Top Companies
Changing minds and changing lives - Disability Solutions Career Center connects employers with jobseekers with disabilities across the country

Rebuilding Spinal Cords with Energetic Polymer Scaffold
A scaffold made of energetic polymer to coax nerve cells to extend axons over the damaged section of the spine may be a solution for SCI

Social Mobile Gaming Boosts Rehabilitation for Patients with Physical Disabilities
Balloon Buddies game is designed to level the playing field by allowing healthy participants to support the less abled player

New Approach to Studying Chromosomes' Centers May Reveal Link to Down Syndrome and More
PCR-based approach to a frontier of the human genome could speed discovery in chromosome-based diseases and birth defects

 Reminder: This email is ONLY sent to verified subscribers. You are receiving this email because you confirmed to receive the Disabled World Weekly Newsletter at Disabled-World.com If you are no longer interested in our newsletter, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link below.
Disabled World, 173 D'Youville, Chateauguay, QC J6J5R1, CANADA

Famous People with Mood Disorders

Ian Langtree. (2017-11-10). Famous People with Mood Disorders. Retrieved 2017-11-21, from https://www.disabled-world.com/disability/awareness/famous/mood-disorders.php Direct Link: Famous People with Mood Disorders - List of famous people with mood disorders including depression, biopolar disorder, and cyclothymia mania - Ian Langtree

  • Synopsis: Published: 2017-11-10 (Revised/Updated 2017-11-16) - List of famous people with mood disorders including depression, biopolar disorder, and cyclothymia mania. For further information pertaining to this article contact: Ian Langtree at Disabled World.

terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Is ADHD Associated with Lack of Regular Circadian Sleep

"A disturbance of the circadian system may indeed be a core mechanism in ADHD, which could also link ADHD to other mental illnesses such as depression or bipolar disorder."

Citation: European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. (2017-09-11). Is ADHD Associated with Lack of Regular Circadian Sleep. Retrieved 2017-09-12, from https://www.disabled-world.com/health/neurology/adhd-autism/circadian.php Direct Link: Is ADHD Associated with Lack of Regular Circadian Sleep - New research theory proposes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be a problem associated with lack of regular circadian sleep - European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2017

instalação e configuração do programa TeamTalk

Publicado em 27 de jun de 2016
Neste tutorial ajudo as pessoas que tem deficiência visual e não deficiente, a instalar e configurar o programa TeamTalk 5 Classic em pc e outros.

a primeira oficina gratuita e on-line de navegação acessível com NVDA no dia 10/12/2016.

Disponível o áudio integral da oficina de navegação com NVDA!


Diniz mundo@mundocegal.com.br

17:37 (Há 22 horas)
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Você está recebendo uma divulgação do Mundo Cegal. Se não quiser mais receber nossas mensagens, veja como se descadastrar ao final.

Disponível o áudio integral da oficina de navegação com NVDA!    
Considerando que diversos recursos, tais como compra on-line, redes sociais, pesquisas, etc., estão disponíveis por meio da web, a TECNOBLIND, na intenção de difundir os recursos de acessibilidade inerentes aos leitores de tela, bem como aos padrões internacionais de acessibilidade do W3C, promoveu a primeira oficina gratuita e on-line de navegação acessível com NVDA no dia 10/12/2016.
O evento ocorreu exclusivamente on-line, por meio da ferramenta Teamtalk e foi transmitido ao vivo pela rádio MC e também pelo Facebook.
Para ouvir na íntegra o conteúdo ministrado, acesse a página de cursos no site da Tecnoblind ou então no link direto:

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2016

Bringing Undiagnosed Adults With ASD Out of the Shadows

University of Vermont. (2016-11-17). Bringing Undiagnosed Adults With ASD Out of the Shadows. Retrieved 2016-11-22, from https://www.disabled-world.com/health/neurology/autism/undiagnosed.php Direct Link: Bringing Undiagnosed Adults With ASD Out of the Shadows - Exploring experiences of millions of adults in the US with ASD so healthcare workers can identify them before they become depressed or harm themselves - University of Vermont

Autism and Human Evolutionary Emergence of Collaborative Morality

University of York. (2016-11-15). Autism and Human Evolutionary Emergence of Collaborative Morality. Retrieved 2016-11-22, from https://www.disabled-world.com/health/neurology/autism/autism-evolution.php Direct Link: Autism and Human Evolutionary Emergence of Collaborative Morality - It is likely our ancestors would have had autism, with genetics suggesting the condition has a long evolutionary history - University of York

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2016

Mind Shattering: Theatrical Production Focusing on Mental Health

Jeff Dunlap. (2016-09-27). Mind Shattering: Theatrical Production Focusing on Mental Health. Retrieved 2016-10-04, from http://www.disabled-world.com/news/events/theatrical.php Direct Link: Mind Shattering: Theatrical Production Focusing on Mental Health - Jeff Dunlap

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016

Fulfilling Unmet Need for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

University of California - Riverside. (2016-09-21). Fulfilling Unmet Need for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Retrieved 2016-09-29, from http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/education/special/unmet.php Direct Link: Fulfilling Unmet Need for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - University of California - Riverside

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016

Teaching K-8 Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Scholastic Inc.. (2016-07-08). Teaching K-8 Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved 2016-07-12, from http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/education/special/asd-k-8.php Direct Link: Teaching K-8 Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder - Scholastic Inc.